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with Career and Performance Coaching and Mentoring

Certified and Accredited from European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC), Career and Performance Practitioner Coach with more than 14+ years of Corporate Leadership and 300+ hours of one to one coaching and mentoring sessions.Through my sessions, I expertly support clients globally in unlocking their true potential and achieving success in both their careers and personal lives.
Currently I am actively supporting Executive Leadership Corporate programs, Diverse Communities, new Leaders, Experience Executives and those who are just beginning their career.  

            Transform your Career 

Unlock Your Full Potential

Whether you are a  Employed, Unemployed, Student, Individual Contributor or Manager, C-level Executive or Director, my services can help you succeed in your every day work and career challenges. 

Here are some Common Coaching and Mentoring topics we will work together. 

Find a new Career

Identify your next career path by investigating your passions and talents and getting support to job search and intervirews

Career Transitions

Exploring new industries, assessing transferable skills, and navigating the transition process.

Work-Life Balance

Achieve a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives, managing stress, setting boundaries, and prioritizing self-care.

CV preparation

Support on  Resume/ Curriculum Vitae preparation. 

Building Confidence

 Identify and overcome self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and limiting beliefs that may hinder their career progression.  

Performance Improvement

Enhance your performance in your current roles through goal setting, time management, communication skills development, and overcoming challenges.

Personal Branding

Develop a compelling personal brand that reflects their unique skills, expertise, and values, both online and offline.

Self-Assessment and Reflection

Gain a deeper understanding of your personality traits, values, strengths, weaknesses, and motivations.

Personal Growth and Continuous Learning

Encouraging lifelong learning and personal growth by exploring opportunities for skill development, professional certifications, and further education

Time Management and Prioritization

Providing strategies for effectively managing time, prioritizing tasks, and minimizing distractions to maximize productivity. Teaching techniques such as the Eisenhower Matrix, Pomodoro Technique, and batching similar tasks together.

Career Exploration and Planning

Identify your interests, strengths, values, and goals to choose a career path that aligns with their aspirations.

Leadership Development

Supporting aspiring leaders in honing their leadership skills, such as decision-making, conflict resolution, team building, and emotional intelligence.

Interview preparation

Offering mock interviews, feedback, and guidance on how to articulate skills and experiences confidently

How we can work together

Coaching and Mentoring sessions are flexible and unique for each individual. During our first sessions, I will help you explore what it's best for you

Career Aspiration Coaching


Career Coaching is a process aimed at improving and developing your professional journey. Through this process, we will explore your skills, interests, and goals, as well as how you can achieve your professional advancement. Through personalized one-on-one sessions, I will assist you in discovering, shaping, and progressing towards your career goals working with self-assessment, goal setting, and the cultivation of personal and professional growth. I'll empower you to make informed career decisions, conquer challenges, and acquire the vital skills necessary for a successful and rewarding career journey. Together, we will navigate your career path with confidence and work towards achieving your professional aspirations.

Performance Coaching


Performance Coaching focuses on increasing efficiency and performance in various areas of life, such as your professional performance, personal development, and life satisfaction. In this process, we will work together to identify your challenges and opportunities and find ways to enhance your performance. Through one-on-one sessions, I'll provide guidance, feedback, and unwavering support to help you define and attain your performance-related goals. Our focus will be on skill improvement, strategy development, and overcoming obstacles to unlock your full potential and drive exceptional results. Performance coaching is a widely recognized approach employed across various fields to boost your performance, build confidence, and steer you towards success.

Career Accelerator


This service is designed to offer newcomers, aspiring professionals, and individuals seeking career advancement, access to expert advice and guidance. I provide valuable insights, personalized advice, and motivation to fast-track your career success. The focus areas include resume building, interview preparation, job search strategies, and skill development, making this mentorship an excellent choice for those looking to advance their careers.

Define your own

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Empower yourself to take control of your personal and professional growth. I'm here to support and guide you in defining your unique coaching path. Together, we'll break through obstacles, achieve your goals, and foster lasting self-discovery and resilience, ensuring your self-directed growth.

About my experience

I've honed my coaching skills to inspire and empower diverse groups, particularly women leaders striving to shatter the glass ceiling. Through our work, we cultivate unwavering confidence, elevate soft skills, dispel self-limiting beliefs, and foster a profound sense of psychological safety. My remote coaching extends globally, ensuring flexibility and accessibility, and propelling clients towards enduring career success and life fulfillment.

60 Clients

On top of my everyday coaching sessions with my engineering teams, I have worked with more than 60 coachees the last 4 years on one-on-one coaching sessions

15 Countries

I am offering remote one-on-one sessions globally. My coachees are based in and coming from more than 15 countries including Cyprus, Greece, Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Portugal, UK, USA, Korea, Maroko, China, Israel

300 hours 

With dedicated one-on-one remote sessions, I spent more than 300 hours offering direct career and performance coaching


I have extensive experience working with clients across various industries, including IT, leisure, hospitality, arts, and education, helping them achieve their goals of reaching leadership positions.


While empowering senior and junior engineers for many years, I am deeply committed to mentoring women and diverse communities, nurturing their ambitions to reach executive, directorial, and entrepreneurial heights. 


Career Development, Self-limited beliefs, physiological safety, Confidence prioritisation, work-life balance, gender bias, and personal development on achieving any goal

Client's Tesimonials

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"Coaching with Eleana was an incredibly valuable experience. It helped me achieve my goals for finding a fulfilling job and develop essential skills.  She helped me identifying green and red flags for work environments, analyzing issues and planning actions. The coaching process revealed my strengths and allowed me to reframe my weaknesses as areas of potential, boosting my confidence and improving my job application skills."

Academic Professional (Secured their first corporate role)Germany

Topics: Self-awareness, limiting self-beliefs, confidence, interview, career enablement, define career-plan

Let's meet

Contact me for a consultation session, and engage in  a meaningful dialogue about your career aspirations and any obstacles that may be hindering your progress. If you find yourself at a crossroads, discussing your situation can provide valuable clarity and insights to help you chart a path forward. I will guide you through my existing coaching and mentoring offerings to determine the optimal next move, ensuring your career flourishes in the future. 

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